
As an increasingly independent generation, millennials worldwide have contributed to a sharp increase in demand for small residential units. The demand for studio and one-bedroom
apartments has more than doubled over the last 3 years in many cities, where young adults are relocating for educational or career advancement purposes.

The demand market is so huge, e-commerce services were created to capitalize on such increasing demand and facilitate the process in many cities worldwide. Yet the real estate sector in Egypt remains relatively unaffected by this international mega-trend, despite market studies that indicate a strong demand
within the Egyptian real estate market for such units both as a first home for young adults and an investment.

Not only are studios and one-bedroom apartments affordable, but they are also among the highest performing residential units in terms of increasing rental yields. Accordingly, they would perform extraordinarily well, especially in a mega-city such as ours -Cairo, and in a market where many are seeking affordable and small units in prime locations. It’s about time developers respond to the growing demand and start developing these highly profitable and practical units.

Consult our research and development experts for more details on our full scope of services and how we can help you with your real estate decisions as a developer or investor.

نموذج الأستفسار

الاشتراك النشرة الإخبارية

لتلقي آخر الأخبار والحصول على أفضل الصفقات الشهرية