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Since its inception in 1954, TAMEER’s main driver has always been to create culturally sustainable housing communities. This People-focused philosophy was passed-down, through time and generations, among the people of TAMEER: The Customers, the Employees and the Management. Initially founded by the government, to develop life communities for the Egyptian people, TAMEER is the oldest housing developer in the modern history of the country. Today, the company is listed on Egypt Stock Exchange and is owned at 50% by foreign shareholders. It benefits from a strong financial position, a sound reputation in the industry and a strong credibility among its customers.
TAMEER has been continuously active in the market and has successfully delivered more than 27,500 units over the last 67 years, along with major architectural landmarks such as the Obroi Hotel in Aswan, the Old Meridian Hotel in Cairo, the New Maadi neighborhood and much more, in Egypt and beyond. TAMEER has recently delivered 1,400 housing units in 6th of October City and in New Cairo city. It currently has 2,000 housing units and 91,000 sq m of mixed-use space in the pipeline in East and West Cairo.